Dr. Numb Cream - Experience Pain-Free Procedures Go to product page

 Dr. Numb Cream - Experience Pain-Free Procedures
  • Product Code: dr-numb
  • Availability: In Stock
Rs. 2,500.00

Dr. Numb cream is a topical anesthetic numbing cream that helps to relieve pain and discomfort associated with various medical procedures, including tattooing, piercing, waxing, laser hair removal, and injections. The active ingredient in the cream is lidocaine, which works by blocking the nerve signals in the body, thereby reducing the sensation of pain.

The cream is fast-acting and typically starts to take effect within 20-30 minutes of application. It is easy to use and can be applied directly to the skin before the procedure. Dr. Numb cream is safe and effective for use on most skin types, and it does not contain any harmful chemicals or additives.

Dr. Numb cream has been used by medical professionals and individuals alike for many years to help reduce pain and discomfort during various procedures. Whether you're getting a tattoo, piercing, or undergoing a medical procedure, Dr. Numb cream can help make the experience more comfortable and less painful. Try it out today and experience the benefits of this powerful numbing cream for yourself.
